Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
The “Where’s the Evidence” Episode
In this episode, Will has a conversation with The Good Practice Podcast guys, Ross Garner and Owen Ferguson. You can find them at https://podcast.goodpractice.com. They share their origin story of the show. Will asks them whether we podcasters should go after and challenge the “bad actors” in our industry. The answer will surprise you.
After Matt and Will debrief his Good Practice conversation, they dive deep into what makes evidence good evidence. In other words, how does one evaluate the quality of evidence in our field. In the discussion, Will and Matt discuss his first draft on a taxonomy for evaluating research. IT IS A FIRST DRAFT! But, click here to see it. They use 70-20-10 as an example for their exploration. The article Will wrote on 70-20-10 is here.
And, of course, they tease the possibility of an exploration of A/B testing… again.
In the final segment, Will and Matt share the Learning Translators they turn to when exploring new research. There also might be a pumpkin pie recipe. The list below is more people than directly referred to in the episode, as we left a few out as we discussed the topic.
Julie Dirksen: http://usablelearning.com
Patti Shank: https://www.pattishank.com
Will Thalheimer: https://www.worklearning.com
Clark Quinn: https://quinnovation.com
Ruth Clark: https://www.clarktraining.com
Karl Kapp: http://karlkapp.com
Guy Wallace: https://eppic.biz
Jane Bozarth: http://linkedin.com/in/janebozarth
Donald Clark: http://planblearning.com
Mirjam Neelen: http://linkedin.com/in/mirjamneelen
The presentation Matt made is Grenoble, France on Myths, Misconceptions, and Snake Oil is here. Thanks to Clark Quinn for inspiring the title of the talk.
Matt refers to The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons. You can watch an interview Matt did with Chris Chabris here.
And, of course, the Best and the Worst of the Week.
We have a listener page. On it, we ask you a million questions about the show and how we can make it better. Check it out, and answer the questions. So far, all the things Matt likes are winning! 😁
Also, we ask you to go to iTunes and Spotify and rate Truth In Learning. The more ratings we get, the higher up we go when one searches for shows like ours. Positive reviews are indeed preferred. 😜